Gallery The EU and Global Investment Governance: from CETA to a Multilateral Investment Court26-28.04.2019 EU and Regional Cooperation25-26.04.2019 Values at Stake23.04.2019. Croatia on its way to the Euro – why, how and when?08.04.2019. College of Europe visit to the House of Europe30.03.2019. The European Moment – Brexit29.10.2018. EU integration of the Western Balkans27.02.2019. “Eurotribina” Migration and National Security18.01.2019. Lecture on EU enlargement and differentiated integration by Prof Frank Schimmelfennig03. 12. 2018. Erika Harris on Contemporary Nationalism21.–23.11. 2018. Conference on Security Challenges for Europe08. 11. 2018. International conference: Theories of international relations: how to interpret modern world10.09.2018. Launch of the project EUlead: Presentation of the study “The Crime Terror Nexus in Croatia and Slovenia”